Welcome to
Promises Church
"But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light" (1 Peter 2:9)
here's our version of 1 peter 2:9...
You are worthy. Your hard work matters. Your effort matters. Your faith matters. You matter. You are chosen. You are royal. You are part of a holy nation. You are salt. You are light. You are the head and not the tail. You are above and not beneath. You are a lender and not a borrower. You are more than a conqueror. You are an overcomer. You are a child of God. You are a friend of God. You were made with fear and wonder. You were made in the image of God. You are God’s workmanship. You are forgiven. You are different. You are justified. You are redeemed. You are a joint-heir with Christ. You are a new creature. You are blessed. You are whole. You are complete. You lack nothing. You are worthy of good things. You are alive. You are beautiful. You are precious. MOST IMPORTANTLY, you are LOVED!
we'd lOve for you to be a part of our community.
if you're interested, you can join here!